Once again, with an October market share of 34.2%, and a 12 month rolling market share average of just under 35%.* Tradition remains the dominant broker in the inter-dealer USD Interest Rate Swap market in liquidity based on DV01 USD trades executed by IDB SEFs.

Furthermore, across the USD Rates Swap market spectrum Tradition are number one in three out of the five traded categories:

– SOFR Butterflies
– CCP Switches
– Forwards / IMMs

Available direct via our own proprietary data feed or through the major industry vendors, our USD swaps data directly reflects our strengths in this market. As such, you can trust that our data packages offer one of the most consistent and accurate views of the USD rates markets.

*Source: Clarus SEFView. Please note our numbers are based on actual traded volumes reported by each SEF, and not the limited figures as shown in the public SDR data.