U.S. Dollar denominated corporate bond issuance reached a February record of $228 billion, surpassing the previous February record of $171.3 billion in 2023. The flood of new issuance was largely due to corporations moving forward with bond sales to capitalize on trending lower yields, which translate into lower borrowing costs.  Even with the surge in new supply, average spreads for high-grade bonds are trading at the lowest levels since November 2021, and many market participants expect supply of new issues to remain strong in the coming months. Demand for fixed income securities remains strong as higher yields have become an attractive risk/return alternative to other investments.

“Given the attention the fixed income markets are attracting, it is imperative that you have access to accurate and comprehensive bond data to allow you to confidently implement trading & investment strategies, accurately value portfolios, and manage risk.” Jim Mahn, Global Head of Product.

At TraditionData, we provide trade tick, intra-day, end of day and historical data for over 20,000 bonds. Get in touch with our global sales team to find out more; datasalesglobal@tradition.com