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Cross Currency Swap Product Specification


Product Code:



In the world of finance, various interest rates and benchmark rates play a crucial role in determining the cost of borrowing, investments, and overall market stability. The cross-currency swap is a financial contract that enables two parties to exchange cash flows in different currencies. These agreements are extensively utilized by multinational corporations, financial institutions, and investors to address the foreign exchange risks linked to their international business operations. Cross-currency swaps provide an effective mechanism for managing currency risks, accessing foreign markets, and optimizing funding costs. By allowing the exchange of cash flows in different currencies, these financial instruments facilitate international transactions and contribute to the stability of the global financial system.

Data Source:

Directly sourced from Tradition’s Global trading desks, our executable prices provide unparalleled liquidity, ensuring accurate and reliable market data.

Delivery Method:

  • real-time:Access real-time data
  • Hourly:Receive hourly snapshots delivered via SFTP.
  • end-of-day:Obtain end-of-day snapshots delivered via SFTP.

Data Frequency:

Market data is updated real-time directly sourced from various trading platforms.

Data Format:

CSV files for houtly snaps , FIX API for Real-time

Data Coverage:

  • Asset Class: IRD Interest Rate Derivatives ( IRD )
  • Sub Class: Cross-currency Swap ( CCS )
  • Total: +4K instruments

Tradition Data Packages:

    Product Code Product Name
    IRD-CCS-AME-ALL Americas ALL
    IRD-CCS-AME-ARM Americas Regional Majors
    IRD-CCS-AME-DOE Americas Dollar Emerging
    IRD-CCS-EUR-ALL Europe, Middle East & Africa ALL
    IRD-CCS-EUR-ERM Europe, Middle East & Africa Regional Majors
    IRD-CCS-EUR-EUE Europe, Middle East & Africa EURO Emerging
    IRD-CCS-EUR-MEN Europe, Middle East & Africa MENA
    IRD-CCS-EUR-SCA Europe, Middle East & Africa Scandi
    IRD-CCS-APA-ALL Asia Pacific ALL
    IRD-CCS-APA-AUS Asia Pacific Australasia
    IRD-CCS-APA-CHI Asia Pacific China
    IRD-CCS-APA-GCH Asia Pacific Greater China
    IRD-CCS-APA-JPY Asia Pacific Japan
    IRD-CCS-APA-KOR Asia Pacific Korea
    IRD-CCS-APA-SEA Asia Pacific South East Asia

    Samples of Curve Specification

    Currency EUR USD
    Settlement T+2 Days T+2 Days
    Tenors 1M-60Y 1M-60Y
    Discounting OIS OIS
    Day Count ACT/360 ACT/360
    Payment Frequency Quarterly Quarterly
    Index ESTR ON Rate SOFR ON Rate
    Reset Frequency Daily Daily
    Business Adjustment Modified Following Modified Following
    Adjust Accrual and Pay Dates Accrual and Pay Dates
    Roll Conv Backward EOM Backward EOM
    Calc. Calendar Eurozone & NY Eurozone & NY
    Fixing Calendar Eurozone NY
    Fixing Lag 0 Days 0 Days
    Payment Delay 2 Days 2 Days
    Reset Position In Arrears In Arrears
    Currency CAD USD
    Settlement T+2 Days T+2 Days
    Discounting OIS OIS
    Day Count ACT/365 ACT/360
    Payment Frequency Quarterly Quarterly
    Index CORRA ON Rate SOFR ON Rate
    Reset Frequency Daily Daily
    Business Adjustment Modified Following Modified Following
    Adjust Accrual and Pay Dates Accrual and Pay Dates
    Roll Conv Backward EOM Backward EOM
    Calc. Calendar Canada NY
    Fixing Calendar Canada GT
    Fixing Lag 0 Days 0 Days
    Payment Delay 2 Days 2 Days
    Reset Position In Arrears In Arrears
    Euro/US Dollar 3 Month EURIBOR Vs SOFR Currency Basis Swap
    Settlement T + 2 Days T + 2 Days
    Discounting OIS OIS
    Day Count ACT/360 ACT/360
    Payment Frequency Quarterly Quarterly
    Index SOFRRATE Index
    Reset Frequency Daily
    Business Adjustment ModifiedFollowing ModifiedFollowing
    Fixing Lag 0 Business Days
    Payment Lag 2 Business Days 2 Business Days
    Rate Cutoff 1
    Reset Position In Arrears
    Adjust Accrl and Pay Dates Accrl and Pay Dates
    Roll Convention Backward (EOM)
    Calc. Calendar TE FD TE FD
    Fixing Calendar GT

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