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OIS – Overnight Indexed Swaps Product Specification


Product Code:



Our Overnight Index Swaps (OIS) data packages offer price transparency for the global OIS markets. Coverage includes spot and forward start OIS, OIS spreads, IMM dates and central bank meeting dates for both deliverable and non-deliverable currencies.

Data Source:

Data sourced directly from Tradition’s brokerage desks with 17 global desks.

Delivery Method:

  • real-time:Access real-time data
  • Hourly:Receive hourly snapshots delivered via SFTP.
  • end-of-day:Obtain end-of-day snapshots delivered via SFTP.

Data Frequency:

Market data is updated real-time directly sourced from various trading platforms.

Data Format:

CSV files for hourly snaps , FIX API for Real-time

Data Coverage:

  • Asset Class: IRD Interest Rate Derivatives (IRD)
  • Sub Class: Overnight Indexed Swaps (OIS)
  • Key stats : +3.4K instruments 25 currencies 17 global desks

Tradition Data Packages:

    Product Code Product Name
    IRD-OIS-AME-ALL Americas ALL
    IRD-OIS-AME-ARM Americas Regional Majors
    IRD-OIS-AME-DOE Americas Dollar Emerging
    IRD-OIS-EUR-ALL Europe, Middle East & Africa ALL
    IRD-OIS-EUR-ERM Europe, Middle East & Africa Regional Majors
    IRD-OIS-EUR-EUE Europe, Middle East & Africa EURO Emerging
    IRD-OIS-EUR-SCA Europe, Middle East & Africa Scandi
    IRD-OIS-APA-ALL Asia Pacific ALL
    IRD-OIS-APA-AUS Asia Pacific Australasia
    IRD-OIS-APA-CHI Asia Pacific China
    IRD-OIS-APA-GCH Asia Pacific Greater China
    IRD-OIS-APA-JPY Asia Pacific Japan
    IRD-OIS-APA-KOR Asia Pacific Korea
    IRD-OIS-APA-SEA Asia Pacific South East Asia

    Curve Specification Samples

    Currency EUR EUR
    Settlement T+2 Days T+2 Days
    Discounting OIS OIS
    Day Count ACT/360 ACT/360
    Payment Frequency Annual Annual
    Index ESTR ON Rate ESTR ON Rate
    Reset Frequency Quarterly Quarterly
    Business Adjustment Modified Following Modified Following
    Adjust Accrual and Pay Dates Accrual and Pay Dates
    Roll Conv Backward EOM Backward EOM
    Calc. Calendar Eurozone Eurozone
    Fixing Calendar Eurozone Eurozone
    Fixing Lag 0 Days 0 Days
    Payment Delay 1 Days 1 Days
    Reset Position In Advance In Advance
    Currency USD USD
    Settlement T+2 Days T+2 Days
    Discounting OIS OIS
    Day Count ACT/360 ACT/360
    Payment Frequency Annual Annual
    Index US SOFR Rate US SOFR Rate
    Reset Frequency Daily Daily/td>
    Business Adjustment Modified Following Modified Following
    Adjust Accrual and Pay Dates Accrual and Pay Dates
    Roll Conv Backward EOM Backward EOM
    Calc. Calendar FR FR
    Fixing Calendar US Govt Bond Market US Govt Bond Market
    Fixing Lag 0 Days 0 Days
    Payment Delay 2 Days 2 Days
    Reset Position In Arrears In Advance
    Currency SGD SGD
    Settlement T+2 Days T+2 Days
    Discounting OIS OIS
    Day Count ACT/365 ACT/365
    Payment Frequency Annual Annual
    Index SORA ON Rate SORA ON Rate
    Reset Frequency Daily Daily
    Business Adjustment Modified Following Modified Following
    Adjust Accrual and Pay Dates Accrual and Pay Dates
    Roll Conv Backward EOM Backward EOM
    Calc. Calendar Singapore Singapore
    Fixing Calendar Singapore Singapore
    Fixing Lag 0 Days 0 Days
    Payment Delay 2 Days 2 Days
    Reset Position In Arrears In Advance


      Question Answer
      How many snap files are available per day? 24 files per day
      What are the Key benefits of TraditionData Data package? Manage Interest Rate Risk: OIS can be used by financial institutions such as banks, pension funds, and insurance companies to manage interest rate risk on their fixed-rate assets and liabilities. For example, a bank with a large portfolio of fixed-rate mortgages may use OIS to hedge against a rise in interest rates. Speculation: OIS can be used by hedge funds and other financial institutions to speculate on interest rate movements. Funding and Liquidity Management: OIS can be used by financial institutions to manage their funding and liquidity needs. For example, a bank may use OIS to raise funds at a lower cost than traditional borrowing methods. Basis Trading: Some traders use OIS as a hedge against basis risk, which is the risk that arises from the difference between the cash and derivative market. By using OIS, traders can lock in a specific interest rate spread between the cash and derivative market.
      What is an OIS? An OIS is a type of interest rate swap in which two parties agree to exchange a series of interest rate payments based on a specified notional amount. One party pays a fixed rate of interest and the other pays a compounded or averaged interest rate based on a specified overnight index which is typically derived from specific overnight lending activity, such as the Federal Funds rate in the US. In many currencies, OIS’ are commonly used as a benchmark for short-term interest rates, an alternative to existing or deprecated term IBOR fixings. OIS are generally considered to be more robust than other short-term IBOR benchmarks because they are typically based on more liquid lending activity. As OIS are based on overnight lending, and in some cases collateralised overnight lending (e.g. SOFR in US dollars), OIS rates can be considered to represent a very low level of credit risk, lower than term IBOR rates. In this respect, OIS rates can serve as a base level over which credit risk can be expressed as a credit spread. In some currencies OIS swaps, based on ARRs (alternative reference rates) have replaced IBOR swaps completely, for example GBP (SONIA), JPY (TONA) and USD (SOFR) in June 2023.
      Is Historical Data Available? Yes, It varies by currency, for example, the EUR OIS has been been available since 2009 however, the USD OIS has been available since 2020.

    This document and its contents are confidential. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is provided. Information contained herein is the property of Compagnie Financière Tradition S.A. or any of its subsidiaries and/or TraditionData (together “Tradition”). Unauthorised disclosure, copying or distribution of such information is strictly prohibited, and the information shall not be redistributed in any form to any third party, in each case without the prior consent of Tradition. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, no warranty, condition or guarantee is given by Tradition in respect of any information. Nothing herein constitutes investment advice or an offer, or solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any financial product. To the maximum extent of the law, Tradition accepts no responsibility for any reliance placed on the contents of this document and accepts no liability for any direct, indirect or any other loss arising out of any use of the information contained in this document or any omission from it. It is not intended for distribution to, or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to any applicable law or regulation. Copyright © Tradition. TraditionData is a trade mark of Tradition. Commercial in Confidence. August 2024

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