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Oil Product Specification


Product Code:



Our End of Day assessments provide full product coverage across crude and the refined product spectrum alongside a comprehensive forward curve covering monthly, quarterly and calendar time periods. Prices are quoted in mid format and are expressed in USD per BBL for each product and as a differential between products for the majority of contracts.

Data Source:

TraditionData Data Packages are coming from Tradition’s market-leading global brokerage desks

Delivery Method:

  • EOD snap delivered via SFTP.

Data Frequency:

The market data is extract at the end of day.

Data Format:

CSV file for snap files.

Data Coverage:

  • Asset Class: Energy & Commodities
  • Sub Class: Oil
  • Total: +3339 instruments
  • Tenures: 48 month (4 year) tenure
  • Desks: 22 brokerage desks

Middle Distillates EOD EMEA ( NRG-OIL-EUR-MID ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File: Tradition_DistillatesMid_YYYY_MM_DD 23 60 48
Brent Crude 2 5 4
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes Differential 2 5 4
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Differential 2 5 4
Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges Differential 2 5 4
Diesel Diff - Diesel 10ppm UK CIF NWE Cargoes vs Low Sulphur Gasoil 1st Line Future (DDQ) 2 5 4
Gasoil 0.1% CIF MED Differential 2 5 4
Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes Differential 2 6 4
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges Differential 2 4 4
Gasoil Diff - Gasoil 50ppm FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Low Sulphur Gasoil 1st Line Future 2 5 4
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Differential 2 5 4
Jet FOB NWE Barges Differential 1 5 4
Low Sulphur Gasoil vs Brent 2 5 4

Middle Distillates EOD - Asia ( NRG-OIL-APA-MID ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File: Tradition_DistillatesSing_YYYY_MM_DD 6 24 15
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm 2 6 5
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm Regrade 2 6 5
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Gasoil 2 6 5
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Gasoil Future 6

Fuel Oil EOD - EMEA ( NRG-OIL-EUR-FUO ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File: Tradition_FuelUK_YYYY_MM_DD 33 88 79
Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 8 9
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore 2 7 3
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Med Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 2 3 3
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 10 7
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 3 8 9
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore 2 7 3
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 2 7 3
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 8 9
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 3 8 9
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Gasoil 2 3 3
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore 3 8 9
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs 10% Singapore 2 3 3
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs Brent 3 8 9

Fuel Oil EOD - Americas ( NRG-OIL-AME-FUO ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File: Tradition_FuelUS_YYYY_MM_DD 26 182 75
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs USGC HSFO 2 14 5
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges 2 14 5
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges vs Brent 2 14 5
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges vs USGC HSFO 2 14 5
New York 1% Fuel Oil 2 14 7
New York 1% Fuel Oil Versus Brent 2 14 5
New York 1% Fuel Oil Vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes 2 14 5
New York Fuel Oil vs USGC HSFO Month 1 (Hi-Lo) 2 14 7
USGC HSFO 2 14 7
USGC HSFO vs Brent 2 14 5
USGC HSFO vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barge 2 14 5
USGC HSFO vs WTI 2 14 7
WTI Crude 2 14 7

Light Ends EOD - EMEA ( NRG-OIL-EUR-LIG ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File: Tradition_Lights_YYYY_MM_DD 52 4 690 216
Brent Crude Swap 3 38 12
Butane CIF NWE Percentage vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 4 26 8
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges 26 7
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 2 26 8
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 2 26 8
Mt. Belvieu Propane LST 3 38 12
N.W.E. Propane to Naphtha % 3 38 12
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 3 38 12
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent 3 38 12
Naphtha MOPJ 3 38 12
Naphtha MOPJ vs Brent 5 38 13
Propane Far East Index 3 38 12
Propane N.W.E CRACK % to Naphtha 3 38 12
Propane NWE CIF ARA Month 3 38 12
Propane NWE CIF ARA vs Brent 3 38 12
Propane Saudi CP 3 38 12
RBOB Gasoline 2 26 8
RBOB Gasoline vs Brent 2 26 8
RBOB Gasoline vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges 2 26 8
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded 2 26 8
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Brent 2 26 8

Light Ends EOD - Americas ( NRG-OIL-AME-NGL ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File: Tradition_NGLUS_YYYY_MM_DD 30 450 90
Butane 2 30 6
Mt. Belvieu Ethane 2 30 6
Mt. Belvieu Propane LST 2 30 6
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 2 30 6
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent 2 30 6
Naphtha MOPJ 2 30 6
Naphtha MOPJ vs Brent 2 30 6
Pentane 2 30 6
Pentane vs WTI 2 30 6
Propane Conway 2 30 6
Propane Far East Index 2 30 6
Propane FEI vs Naphtha MOPJ 2 30 6
Propane NWE CIF ARA 2 30 6
Propane NWE CIF ARA vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 2 30 6
Propane Saudi CP 2 30 6

Light Ends EOD - EMEA Gasoline ( NRG-OIL-EUR-GAS ) Data Coverage

Report/Curve description Year Half Month Quarter
File : Tradition_NRG-OIL-EUR-GAS_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm 60 100 480 140
Brent Swap 3 5 24 7
Eurobob E10 Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 5 24 7
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 5 24 7
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 3 5 24 7
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 3 5 24 7
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes (BBL) 3 5 24 7
Gasoline FOB Med Cargoes 3 5 24 7
Gasoline FOB Med Cargoes vs Brent 3 5 24 7
Gasoline FOB Med Cargoes vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 5 24 7
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 3 5 24 7
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent 3 5 24 7
RBOB Gasoline 3 5 24 7
RBOB Gasoline vs Brent 3 5 24 7
RBOB Gasoline vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges 3 5 24 7
RBOB Gasoline vs Heating Oil Future 3 5 24 7
RBOB Gasoline vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes 3 5 24 7
RBOB Gasoline vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes (cpg) 3 5 24 7
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded 3 5 24 7
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Brent 3 5 24 7
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges (BBL) 3 5 24 7

Tradition Data Packages:

    Product Code Product Name
    NRG-OIL-AME-FUO Fuel Oil EOD - Americas
    NRG-OIL-AME-NGL Light Ends EOD - Americas
    NRG-OIL-APA-MID Middle Distillates EOD - Asia
    NRG-OIL-EUR-FUO Fuel Oil EOD - Europe, Middle East & Africa
    NRG-OIL-EUR-GAS Light Ends EOD - Europe, Middle East & Africa Gasoline
    NRG-OIL-EUR-LIG Light Ends EOD - Europe, Middle East & Africa
    NRG-OIL-EUR-MID Middle Distillates EOD - Europe, Middle East & Africa
    NRG-OIL-GLO-ALL Energy EOD OIL Package
    NRG-OIL-GLO-FUO Fuel Oil EOD - Global
    NRG-OIL-GLO-LIG Light Ends EOD - Global
    NRG-OIL-GLO-MID Middle Distillates EOD - Global


    Question Answer
    How many snap files are available per day? Only one EOD snap based on region timezone
    What are Key benefits ? Full product coverage across crude and the refined product spectrum, from Fuel Oil, Gasoil, Diesel and Jet Fuel Through to Gasoline, Naphtha and LPG. Extensive forward curve coverage dependent on market standards. Curves typically span 6-64 months, 0-22 quarters, 0-11 halves, and 0-5 calendar years. Full flexibility on data content and delivery method – choose from our comprehensive suite of data packages delivered either real time or per chosen snapshots.
    ARA, N.W.E They both refer to North West Europe Benchmark, delivery point ARAARA refers to the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Antwerp in the Northwest Europe.They refer to the same delivery point but in some product N.W.E delivery is called ARA in some shows as NEW
    CIF, FOB The main difference between CIF and FOB is the party that is responsible for the goods while they are in transit. With a CIF agreement, the seller is liable for the goods during transit, and with a FOB, the buyer is liable for the goods during transit. Other than that, there is not a major difference between the two, for this reason CIF Contracts are more Expensive.
    Cargoes vs Barges Cargo refers to ships that can travel across international water. Barges, flat and harder to manoeuvre, are used mainly for local transport, rivers, canals etc. The same product can trade both as Barge or Cargo, depending on the delivery point.
    Crack A crack, or crack spread, is a term used in the energy markets to represent the differences between crude oil and the prices of wholesale petroleum products that derive from it: such as jet fuel, kerosene, home heating oil, and gasoline.Brent and WTI are the most important benchmarks.
    East/West ARB and Atlantic ARB Arbitrage (ARB) refers to the spread of products traded in different location. It doesn’t take into account transportation costs.“East/West” is the spread between Europe and Asia, while “Atlantic” is the one between US and Europe.
    Light vs Heavy Refers to API Gravity i.e. oil density and content of Lighter elements. Light oil requires less processing and produces a greater Percentage of Gasoline and Diesel than Heavy Oil: as such is more desirable.
    RBOB, EBOB They Both refer to gasoline contracts. RBOB is the American benchmark, EBOB is the European one.
    Refinery Margins The gross refining margin is the difference between the weighted average of the price of petroleum products (such as gasoline and diesel) leaving the refinery and the value of the original crude oil used.
    Sweet vs Sour Refers to Sulphur Content in Crude Oil. The sweeter the oil (Less Sulphur) the better as refining is cheaper and requires less cleaning of the product.
    Spreads Time spreads between tenors of the same curve
    Diff or Differentials Diffs or differentials are spreads versus Oil Products. The most liquids Diff tend to be between interchangeable products (same position in the barrel) that compete with each other.
    Is Historical Data Available? Yes,different per package. For example Fuel US started at April 2019

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