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Oil Swap Model Product Specification


Product Code:



The Oil Swap Model has been created with the expertise of Tradition’s analytical team on their market-leading oil brokering desks, coupled with an established model and proven methodology to create a reliable, independent and market-driven product. Our proprietary Oil Swap Model provides full product coverage across crude and the refined product spectrum alongside a comprehensive forward curve covering monthly, quarterly and calendar time periods. Prices are quoted in mid format and are expressed in USD per BBL for each product and as a differential between products for the majority of contracts. Gain insight into traditionally opaque, voice-traded products. Be the first to spot arbitrage opportunities within inter-product and inter-regional spreads. Assess market risk by leveraging a reliable, independent and market driven pricing source. Use real time indicators as the market moves to gain competitive edge.

Data Source:

TraditionData Data Packages are coming from Tradition’s market-leading brokerage desks plus analytics.

Delivery Method:

  • real-time:Retrieve real-time through Tradition Integrate Market Data Platform
  • Hourly:Two snaps per hour delivered via SFTP.

Data Frequency:

The market data is updated in real-time.

Data Format:

CSV files for hourly snaps and Tradition Integrate FIX messages for Real-time

Oil Swap Model Data Coverage:

  • Asset Class: Energy & Commodities
  • Sub Class: OIL
  • Total: +17300 instruments
  • Tenures : 60 month (5 year) tenure
  • Desks: 22 brokerage desks
  • 13,000 updates per second

Crude (OSP-CRO-GLO-ALL) - Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Brent Crude Future vs Dubai Crude Brent/Dub EFS BRENTDUBEFS
Brent Crude Swap Brent Swp BRSWAP
Brent Crude Swap (Spread) Brent Swp Sprd BRSWAPSPR
Brent Crude vs Dubai Crude Brent/Dub Swp BRENTDUB
Brent Crude vs Dubai Crude (Spread) Brent/Dub Swp BRENTDUBSPR
Dated Brent Crude DTD Brent DBSWAP
Dated Front Line Brent Crude DTD Front Line BRENTDFL
Dubai Crude Dub Swp DUBSWAP
Dubai Crude (Spread) Dub Swp Sprd DUBSWAPSPR
Feed WTI / Brent Futures vs Settle WTI / Brent Futures Dif Fut WTIBRNTFUTDIFF
Feed WTI / Brent vs Settle WTI / Brent Dif Swp WTIBRNTSWAPDIFF
Louisiana Light Sweet Crude LLS Swp LLSSWAP
Louisiana Light Sweet Crude Future LLS Fut LLSFUT
MARS Sour US Gulf Crude Mars Swp MARSSWAP
MARS Sour US Gulf Crude Future Mars Fut MARSFUT
WTI Crude Future Settlement vs Brent Crude Future Settlement Stl WTI/Brent Fut WTIBRNTFUTSETTLE
WTI Crude Future vs Brent Crude Future Feed WTI/Brent Fut WTIBRNTFUTFD
WTI Crude Settlement vs Brent Crude Settlement Stl WTI/Brent Swp WTIBRNTSWAPSETTLE
WTI Crude vs Brent Crude Feed WTI/Brent Swp WTIBRNTSWAPFD
WTI Houston Crude Houston Swp HOUSTONSWAP
WTI Houston Crude Future Houston Fut HOUSTONFUT
WTI Midland Crude Midland Swp MIDLANDSWAP
WTI Midland Crude Future Midland Fut MIDLANDFUT

Eu Distillate (OSP-MID-EUR-EUD) - Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes (Spread) 10 CIF MED Sprd ULSDCIFCARGMEDSPR
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes Differential 10 CIF MED ULSDCIFCARGMED
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes Flat Price 10 CIF MED FP ULSDCIFCARGMEDFP
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes vs Brent 10 CIF MED CRK ULSDCIFCARGMEDCRK
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes vs Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes 10 CIF MED v NWE ULSDMEDVULSDCIFNWE
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes vs Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Spread 10 CIF MEDvNWE Spr ULSDMEDVULSDCIFNWESPR
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes vs Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges 10 CIF MED v 10 BG ULSDCIFMEDVULSDBGNWE
Diesel 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes vs Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges (Spread) 10 CIF MEDv10BG Spr ULSDCIFMEDVULSDBGNWESPR
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Differential 10 CIF NWE ULSDCIFCARGNWE
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Flat Price 10 CIF NWE FP ULSDCIFCARGNWEFP
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Spread 10 CIF NWE Sprd ULSDCIFCARGNWESPR
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent 10 CIF NWE CRK ULSDCIFCARGNWECRK
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes vs Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges 10 CIF NWE v 10 BG ULSDCIFNWEVULSDBGNWE
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes vs Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges (Spread) 10 CIF NWEv10BG Spr ULSDCIFNWEVULSDBGNWESPR
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes vs Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes 10 CIF NWE v 0.1 ULSDVGasoilCIFNWE
Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges (Spread) 10 BG Sprd ULSDFOBBARGNWESPR
Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges Differential 10 BG ULSDFOBBARGNWE
Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges Flat Price 10 BG FP ULSDFOBBARGNWEFP
Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges vs Brent 10 BG CRK ULSDFOBBARGNWECRK
Diesel 10ppm FOB Barges vs Dated Brent 10 BG DTD CRK ULSDFOBBARGNWEDTD
Diesel 10ppm UK CIF NWE vs LS Gasoil 10 UK CIF NWEvLSGas 10CIFUKVGASOIL
Gasoil 0.1% CIF MED (Spread) 0.1 CIF MED Sprd GasoilCIFCARGMEDFPSPR
Gasoil 0.1% CIF MED Differential 0.1 CIF MED GasoilCIFCARGMED
Gasoil 0.1% CIF MED Flat Price 0.1 CIF MED FP GasoilCIFCARGMEDFP
Gasoil 0.1% CIF MED vs Brent 0.1 CIF MED CRK GasoilCIFCARGMEDCRK
Gasoil 0.1% CIF MED vs Dated Brent 0.1 CIF MED DTD Crk GasoilCIFCARGMEDDTD
Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes (Spread) 0.1 CIF NWE Sprd GasoilCIFCARGNWESPR
Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes Differential 0.1 CIF NWE GasoilCIFCARGNWE
Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes Flat Price 0.1 CIF NWE FP GasoilCIFCARGNWEFP
Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent 0.1 CIF NEW GasoilCIFCARGNWECRK
Gasoil 0.1% CIF NWE Cargoes vs Dated Brent 0.1 CIF NWE DTD Crk GasoilCIFCARGNWEDTD
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges (Spread) 0.1 BG Sprd GasoilFOBBARGNWESPR
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges Differential 0.1 BG GasoilFOBBARGNWE
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges Flat Price 0.1 BG FP GasoilFOBBARGNWEFP
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges Flat Price (Spread) 0.1 BG FP Sprd GasoilFOBBARGNWEFPSPR
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges vs Brent 0.1 BG CRK GasoilFOBBARGNWECRK
Gasoil 0.1% FOB ARA Barges vs Dated Brent 0.1 BG DTD CRK GasoilFOBBARGNWEDTD
Gasoil 0.1% FOB MED Barges Differential 0.1 FOB MED GasoilFOBMED
Gasoil 0.1% FOB MED Barges Flat Price 0.1 FOB MED FP GasoilFOBMEDFP
Gasoil 0.1% FOB MED Barges vs Brent 0.1 FOB MED Crk GasoilFOBMEDCRK
Gasoil 0.1% FOB MED Barges vs Dated Brent 0.1 FOB MED DTD Crk GasoilFOBMEDDTDCRK
Gasoil 50ppm FOB ROTT vs LS Gasoil 50ppm FOB ROTvLSGail 50FOBROTTVGASOIL
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Differential Jet Dif GasoilJET
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Differential (Spread) Jet Dif Sprd GasoilJETSPR
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Differential vs ULSD 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Differential Jet v 10ppm CIF JETV10PPMCIF
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Differential vs ULSD 10ppm FOB Barges Differential Jet v 10ppm BG JETV10PPMBG
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent Jet CRK JETCRK
Jet CIF NWE Crack vs Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Crack Jet Crk v Diesel Crk JETCRKVDIESELCRK
Jet FOB MED Cargoes Jet Med JETMED
Jet FOB MED Cargoes Differential Jet Med Dif JETMEDDIFF
Jet FOB MED Cargoes vs Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Jet Med v NWE JETMEDVNWE
Jet FOB MED Cargoes vs Jet CIF NWE Cargoes (Spread) Jet Med v NWE Sprd JETMEDVNWESPR
Low Sulphur Gasoil Gasoil Swp GASOILSWAP
Low Sulphur Gasoil (Spread) Gasoil Swp Sprd GASOILSWAPSPR
Low Sulphur Gasoil vs Brent Gasoil Crk GASOILCRK
Low Sulphur Gasoil vs Brent (Spread) Gasoil Crk Sprd GASOILCRKSPR

EU/Asia Fuel (OSP-FUO-EUR-EUF) - Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Fuel Oil 1% FOB MED Cargoes 1% Med 1MEDNORTH
Fuel Oil 1% FOB MED Cargoes (Spread) 1% Med sprd 1MEDNORTHSPR
Fuel Oil 1% FOB MED Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes 1% Med/NWE MEDVNORTH
Fuel Oil 1% FOB MED Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes (Spread) 1% Med/NWE sprd MEDVNORTHSPR
Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes 1% NWE 1FOBCARG
Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes (Spread) 1% NWE sprd 1FOBCARGSPR
Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes Vs Brent 1% NWE Brent Crk 1FOBCARGCRK
Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges HiLo FOHILO
Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) HiLo sprd FOHILOSPR
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore FO180 SING180
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore (Spread) 180 sprd SING180SPR
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs Brent 180 Brent Crk SING180CRK
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges FO 180 E/W SING180EW
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) 180 E/W sprd SING180EWSPR
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore Visco VISCO
Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore (Spread) Visco sprd VISCOSPR
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Med Cargoes 3.5 Med 35FOBMED
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Med Cargoes (Spread) 3.5 Med sprd 35FOBMEDSPR
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Med Cargoes vs Brent 3.5 Med Brent CRK 35FOBMEDCRK
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Med Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 3.5 Med/NWE ROTTMED
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Med Cargoes vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) 3.5 Med/NWE sprd ROTTMEDSPR
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 3.5 BG 35FOBBARG
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) 3.5 BG sprd 35FOBBARGSPR
Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 3.5 BG Brent Crk 35FOBBARGCRK
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore FO380 SING380
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore (Spread) FO380 sprd SING380SPR
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs Brent FO380 Brent Crk SING380BRENTCRK
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges FO380 E/W SING380EW
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) FO380 E/W sprd SING380EWSPR
Gasoil Brent Crack vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges FOGO Crk Dif FOGOCRKDIFF
Gasoil Brent Crack vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) FOGO Crk Dif sprd FOGOCRKDIFFSPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 0.5 BG FO05FOBBARGE
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) 0.5 BG sprd FO05FOBBARGESPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 0.5 BG Crk FO05BGCRK
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes 0.5% BG/1% NWE FO05FBV1NWE
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes (Spread) 0.5% BG/1% NWE sprd FO05FBV1NWESPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 0.5 BG/3.5 BG FO05FBV35FB
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) 0.5 BG/3.5 BG sprd FO05FBV35FBSPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Gasoil 0.5% BG/Gasoil FO05FOBBARGEGASOIL
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore Sing 0.5 FO05SING
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore (Spread) Sing 0.5 sprd FO05SINGSPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs Brent Sing 0.5 Brent CRK FO05SINGBRENTCRK
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore Sing 0.5/380 FO05SINGV380
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore (Spread) Sing 0.5/380 sprd FO05SINGV380SPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 0.5 E/W FO05EW
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore vs Singapore Gasoil 10ppm Sing 0.5 vs 10 SG FO05SGV10SG

Gasoline ( OSP-LIG-GLO-GAS) - Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Eurobob E10 Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges MOGE10 F/P MOGE10FP
Eurobob E10 Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) MOGE10 Sprd MOGE10FPSPR
Eurobob E10 Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent MOGE10 Crk MOGE10CRK
Eurobob E10 Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges MOGE10/MOG MOGE10VMOG
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges MOG F/P MOGFP
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges (Spread) MOG Sprd MOGFPSPR
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges Crack vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes Crack MOG/NAP Crk MOGNAPCRK
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent MOG Crk MOGCRK
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes MOG/NAP F/P MOGNAPFP
Gasoline FOB Med Cargoes Med Gas F/P MEDGASFP
Gasoline FOB Med Cargoes vs Brent Med Gas Crk MEDGASCRK
Gasoline FOB Med Cargoes vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges Med Gas Dif GASLNEMEDDIFF
RBOB Gasoline (Spread) RBOB Sprd RBOBFPSPR
RBOB Gasoline vs Eurobob E10 Gasoline FOB Rotterdam RBOB/MOGE10 MOGE10ARB
RBOB Gasoline vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges RBOB/MOG MOGARB
RBOB Gasoline vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes RB/NAP RBOBVNAP
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded Sing Gas F/P SINGGASLNEFP
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Spread) Sing Gas Sprd SINGGASLNEFPSPR
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Brent Sing Gas Crk SINGGASLNECRK
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Brent (Spread) Sing Gas Crk Sprd SINGGASLNECRKSPR
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Dubai Crude 92/Dub 92VDUB
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges (BBL) Gas E/W ($/BBL) GASLNEEW
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges (MT) Gas E/W ($/MT) GASLNEEWMT
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes TC4 MOPS Scaled 92/MOPS 92MOPS
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded vs Naphtha MOPJ E G/NAP GASLNEEWMOPJ
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded Sing Gas 95 F/P SINGGASLNE95FP
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded vs Dubai Crude 95/Dub 95VDUB
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded vs Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded 95/92 95V92MOPS
Singapore Mogas 97 Unleaded vs Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded 97/92 97V92MOPS
MTBE FOB Singapore vs Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded MTBE Dif MTBEDIFF
Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes (BBL) MOG/NAP F/P (BBL) MOGNAPBBL
RBOB Gasoline vs Brent RBOB Brent Crk RBOBBRCRK
RBOB Gasoline vs Heating Oil Future RB/HO RBOBHO
RBOB Gasoline vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes (cpg) RB/NAP (cpg) RBNAPCPG

Naphtha (OSP-LIG-EUR-NAP) - Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes Nap F/P NAPTHAFP
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes (Spread) Nap Sprd NAPHTHAFPSPR
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes TC4 MOPS Scaled MOPS Nap MOPSNAP
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes TC4 MOPS Scaled vs Brent MOPS Crk MOPSCRK
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes vs Brent Nap Crk NAPTHACRK
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes vs Naphtha FOB Med Cargoes Nap Med Dif NAPMEDDIFF
Naphtha FOB Med Cargoes Nap Med F/P NAPMEDFP
Naphtha FOB MED Cargoes vs Brent Nap Med Crk NAPMEDCRK
Naphtha MOPJ (Spread) MOPJ Sprd MOPJFPSPR
Naphtha MOPJ vs Brent MOPJ Crk MOPJCRK
Naphtha MOPJ vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes E/W (MOPJ - Nap) NAPHTHAEW
Naphtha TC4 MOPS Scaled MOPS TC4 MOPSTC4

NGLs/LPGs ( OSP-LIG-GLO-NGL) - Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Butane NC4 F/P NC4FP
Butane (Spread) NC4 Sprd NC4FPSPR
Butane CIF NWE Percentage vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes NWEC4 Percentage NWEC4PCT
Butane Far East Index C4 FEI C4 FEIC4
Butane Far East Index C4 vs Butane Saudi CP C4 FEI C4/CP C4 FEIC4VCPC4
Butane Saudi CP C4 CP C4 CPC4
Butane vs Butane CIF ARA NC4/NWEC4 NC4VNWEC4
Butane vs Butane Far East Index C4 NC4/FEI C4 NC4VFEIC4
Butane vs Butane Saudi CP C4 NC4/CP C4 NC4VCPC4
Butane vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes NC4/Nap NC4VNAP
Mt. Belvieu Ethane MTB EPC C2 F/P MTBEPCC2
Mt. Belvieu Ethane (Spread) MTB EPC C2 Sprd MTBEPCC2SPR
Mt. Belvieu Propane EPC MTB EPC F/P MTBEPCFP
Mt. Belvieu Propane EPC (Spread) MTB EPC Sprd MTBEPCFPSPR
Mt. Belvieu Propane LST MTB LST F/P BELVIEU
Mt. Belvieu Propane LST (Spread) MTB LST Sprd BELVIEUSPR
Mt. Belvieu Propane vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes MTB LST/Nap MTBLSTVNAP
Mt. Belvieu Propane vs Propane Far East Index MTB LST/FEI MTBLSTVFEI
Mt. Belvieu Propane vs Propane NWE CIF ARA MTB LST/NWE MTBLSTVNWE
Mt. Belvieu Propane vs Propane Saudi CP MTB LST/CP MTBLSTVCP
Pentane C5 NGLC5
Pentane (Spread) C5 Sprd NGLC5SPR
Pentane vs Brent C5 - Brent NGLC5VBRENT
Pentane vs Butane C5-C4 NGLC5VC4
Pentane vs Ethane C5 - C2 NGLC5VC2
Pentane vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes C5 - Nap NGLC5VNAP
Pentane vs Propane C5 - C3 NGLC5VC3
Pentane vs RBOB Gasoline C5 - RBOB NGLC5VRBOB
Pentane vs WTI C5 - WTI NGLC5VWTI
Propane Conway C3CWY NGLC3CWY
Propane Conway (Spread) C3CWY Sprd NGLC3CWYSPR
Propane Conway vs Propane C3CWY - C3 NGLC3CWYVC3
Propane CP vs Naphtha MOPJ CP/MOPJ CPVMOPJ
Propane Far East Index Propane FEI PROPANEFEI
Propane Far East Index (Spread) Propane FEI Sprd PROPANEFEISPR
Propane Far East Index vs Propane NWE CIF ARA E/W (FEI - NWE) FEIVNWE
Propane Far East Index vs Propane Saudi CP FEI/CP FEIVCP
Propane NWE CIF ARA (Spread) Propane NWE Sprd PROPANENWESPR
Propane NWE CIF ARA vs Brent Propane Crk PROPANECRK
Propane NWE CIF ARA vs Eurobob Gasoline FOB Rotterdam Barges Pro/Bob PROBOB
Propane NWE CIF ARA vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes Propane/NAP PROVNAP
Propane Saudi CP Propane CP PROPANECP
Propane Saudi CP (Spread) Propane CP Sprd PROPANECPSPR
Propane NWE CIF ARA Crack vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes Crack % Prop Crk/NAP Crk % PROCRKPCT
Propane NWE CIF ARA vs Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes % Propane/NAP % PROVNAPPCT

Petrochemicals (OSP-PET-APA-ALL)- Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Benzene (Spread) BZ Sprd PETROBZSPR
Benzene vs MOPJ (Spread) BZN Sprd PETROBZNSPR
Isomer Mixed Xylene MX PETROMX
Isomer Mixed Xylene (Spread) MX Sprd PETROMXSPR
Monoethylene Glycol MEG PETROMEG
Monoethylene Glycol (Spread) MEG Sprd PETROMEGSPR
Monoethylene Glycol vs MOPJ MEGN PETROMEGN
Monoethylene Glycol vs MOPJ (Spread) MEGN Sprd PETROMEGNSPR
Paraxylene PX PETROPX
Paraxylene (Spread) PX Sprd PETROPXSPR
Paraxylene vs MOPJ (Spread) PXN Sprd PETROPXNSPR
Styrene Monomer SM PETROSM
Styrene Monomer (Spread) SM Sprd PETROSMSPR
Styrene Monomer vs MOPJ SMN PETROSMN
Styrene Monomer vs MOPJ (Spread) SMN Sprd PETROSMNSPR

Singapore Distillate (OSP-MID-APA-SGD)- Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm 10 SG SINGGAS
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm (Spread) 10 SG sprd SINGGASSPR
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm Regrade 10 Reg REGSING
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm Regrade (Spread) 10 Reg sprd REGSINGSPR
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Brent 10 SG Brent SINGGASBRENT
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Dated Brent 10 SG DTD Brent SINGGASDTDBRENT
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Dubai 10 SG Dub SINGGASDUBAI
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore 10 SG/380 SINGGASV380
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Gasoil 10 E/W S EWGAS
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Gasoil (Spread) 10 E/W S sprd EWGASSPR
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Gasoil Future 10 EFS EWEFS
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB Singapore 10 SG/SG 0.5 SINGGASVSING05
Singapore Gasoil 10ppm vs WTI 10 SG WTI SINGGASWTI
Singapore Jet Kerosene Sing Kero SINGKERO
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Spread) Sing Kero sprd SINGKEROSPR
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Brent Kero Brent SGKEROBRENT
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Dated Brent Kero DTD Brent SGKERODTDBRENT
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Dubai Kero Dub SGKERODUBAI
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Gasoil Kero/ICE SGKEROVICE
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Jet CIF NWE Cargoes E/W Jet EWJET
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Jet CIF NWE Cargoes (7.866 Conversion) E/W Jet 866 EWJET866
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs Jet CIF NWE Cargoes (Bbl) E/W Jet bl EWJETBL
Singapore Jet Kerosene vs WTI Kero WTI SGKEROWTI

US Distillate-Heating Oil (OSP-MID-AME-USD)- Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Heating Oil (Spread) HEAT Sprd HEATFPSPR
Heating Oil vs Low Sulphur Gasoil HO/GO HOGO
Heating Oil vs WTI HEAT Crk HEATCRK

US Fuel (OSP-FUO-AME-USF)- Curve Coverage

Curve Description Short Name Instrument Root
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs USGC HSFO FO380/3% GC SING380VGC3
Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs USGC HSFO (Spread) FO380/3% GC sprd SING380VGC3SPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges 0.5% GC GC05
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges (Spread) 0.5% GC Sprd GC05SPR
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges vs Brent 0.5% GC Brent Crk GC05BRENTCRK
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges vs Gasoil 0.5% GC/Gasoil (MT) GC05GASOIL
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges vs USGC HSFO 0.5% GC/3% GC GC05VGC3
Marine Fuel 0.5% FOB USGC Barges vs USGC HSFO (Spread) 0.5% GC/3% GC sprd GC05VGC3SPR
New York 1% Fuel Oil 1% NYH NYH1
New York 1% Fuel Oil (Spread) 1% NYH sprd NYH1SPR
New York 1% Fuel Oil vs Brent 1% NYH Brent Crk NYH1BRCRK
New York 1% Fuel Oil Vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes 1% NYH/1% NWE 1ATLANARB
New York 1% Fuel Oil vs USGC HSFO US HiLo USHILO
New York 1% Fuel Oil vs USGC HSFO (Spread) US HiLo sprd USHILOSPR
New York 1% Fuel Oil vs WTI 1% NYH WTI Crk NYH1CRK
USGC HSFO (Spread) 3% GC sprd GC3SPR
USGC HSFO vs Brent 3% GC Brent Crk GC3BRENTCRK
USGC HSFO vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges 3% GC/3.5 BG HSATLANARB

Tradition Data Packages:

    Product Code Product Name
    OSP-OIL-GLO-ALL Global OSP Package
    OSP-FUO-GLO-ALL Fuel Oils
    OSP-LIG-EUR-NAP Naphta
    OSP-LIG-GLO-ALL Light Ends
    OSP-LIG-GLO-GAS Gasoline
    OSP-LIG-GLO-NGL Natural Gas Liquids / Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    OSP-MID-AME-USD US Distillates - Heating Oil
    OSP-MID-APA-SGD Singapore Distillates
    OSP-MID-EUR-EUD EU Distillates
    OSP-MID-GLO-ALL Middle Distillates
    OSP-PET-APA-ALL Petrochemicals
    OSP-REM-EUR-ALL Refinery Margins


    Question Answer
    How many snap files are available per day? 48 files per day, two per each hour
    What are Key benefits ? Full product coverage across crude and the refined product spectrum, from Fuel Oil, Gasoil, Diesel and Jet Fuel Through to Gasoline, Naphtha and LPG. Extensive forward curve coverage dependent on market standards. Curves typically span 6-64 months, 0-22 quarters, 0-11 halves, and 0-5 calendar years. Full flexibility on data content and delivery method – choose from our comprehensive suite of data packages delivered either real time or per chosen snapshots.
    ARA, N.W.E They both refer to North West Europe Benchmark, delivery point ARAARA refers to the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Antwerp in the Northwest Europe.They refer to the same delivery point but in some product N.W.E delivery is called ARA in some shows as NEW
    CIF, FOB The main difference between CIF and FOB is the party that is responsible for the goods while they are in transit. With a CIF agreement, the seller is liable for the goods during transit, and with a FOB, the buyer is liable for the goods during transit. Other than that, there is not a major difference between the two, for this reason CIF Contracts are more Expensive.
    Cargoes vs Barges Cargo refers to ships that can travel across international water. Barges, flat and harder to manoeuvre, are used mainly for local transport, rivers, canals etc. The same product can trade both as Barge or Cargo, depending on the delivery point.
    Crack A crack, or crack spread, is a term used in the energy markets to represent the differences between crude oil and the prices of wholesale petroleum products that derive from it: such as jet fuel, kerosene, home heating oil, and gasoline.Brent and WTI are the most important benchmarks.
    East/West ARB and Atlantic ARB Arbitrage (ARB) refers to the spread of products traded in different location. It doesn’t take into account transportation costs.“East/West” is the spread between Europe and Asia, while “Atlantic” is the one between US and Europe.
    Light vs Heavy Refers to API Gravity i.e. oil density and content of Lighter elements. Light oil requires less processing and produces a greater Percentage of Gasoline and Diesel than Heavy Oil: as such is more desirable.
    RBOB, EBOB They Both refer to gasoline contracts. RBOB is the American benchmark, EBOB is the European one.
    Refinery Margins The gross refining margin is the difference between the weighted average of the price of petroleum products (such as gasoline and diesel) leaving the refinery and the value of the original crude oil used.
    Sweet vs Sour Refers to Sulphur Content in Crude Oil. The sweeter the oil (Less Sulphur) the better as refining is cheaper and requires less cleaning of the product.
    Spreads Time spreads between tenors of the same curve
    Diff or Differentials Diffs or differentials are spreads versus Oil Products. The most liquids Diff tend to be between interchangeable products (same position in the barrel) that compete with each other.
    Is Historical Data Available? Yes,Since 2023

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